Helpful Hints & Tips & Christmas Gift Ideas!!
from the Physios here at
Ashbourne Physiotherapy Centre and Hilton Physiotherapy Centre
Looking after yourself over the Festive period:
- It is very tempting, after the hectic run up to Christmas when everyone is racing about, to think of the moment Christmas lunch is over and the washing up is completed, is time to plonk yourself down on the sofa until Boxing day!! Sitting for long periods of time has been shown to have a negative impact on your body and can lead to low back pain, and more seriously chronic illnesses such as diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease and even cancer.
Make sure you get up and move about after about 30 minutes and try not to slouch! Be mindful of the way you are sitting.
- It’s great to see the family over Christmas but sometimes being hauled up in the house can be a challenge especially with young children. Get some fresh air! Taking a stroll in the local park or getting the new bikes out is a great way to add some structure to the day and also brilliant for getting active. It doesn’t feel like exercise if everyone is having fun!
- If you do end up overdoing it and feeling stiff or sore or unwell don’t ignore it. The holiday period is a substantial one and it is easy to think that you will leave it until the New Year as you don’t want to bother anyone over the festivities. It is important to look after yourself – the Physio Centre and the Doctors surgeries have reduced cover over Christmas so you can at least get some advice and perhaps an appointment.

Avoid slips, falls and injuries in the festive season!!!.
The National Accident Helpline have provided some useful advice for Christmas –

Don’t go up to the loft when you’re alone in the house – have someone on hand to pass boxes down to
Don’t rely on standing on chairs, stools and sofas when decorating high branches of the Christmas tree – invest in a proper stepladder
Don’t be tempted to buy an oversized tree – you’ll end up having to saw the top off, creating unnecessary risk
Be careful when opening presents – you’ll need scissors and maybe even a screwdriver to tackle tricky packaging
Keep on top of clutter and discarded gift wrappings – toys, debris and trailing wires underfoot can lead to slips and trips, especially when elderly relatives are around
Keep lights on in hallways at night to help overnight guests navigate their way to the bathroom without tripping over
When playing interactive games on Wii, PlayStation or Xbox, make sure you’ve left enough space around you and be sure to use the wrist straps on hand-held controllers
Be careful when opening presents – you’ll need scissors and maybe even a screwdriver to tackle tricky packaging

Christmas Gift Ideas
Finally, here at Ashbourne and Hilton Physio Centres Christmas Vouchers are available which make the perfect gift for anyone – ideal for Physiotherapy, Massage, Reflexology, or One to One training.
We also stock Swiss Balls, Massage Balls, Theraband, Sit Fit and Painmasters – perfect for stocking fillers!!