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Do I need a scan (MRI)?
Do I need a scan (MRI)?

Image credit: So you’ve had back pain or back pain and sciatica for a while now and people are asking you if you’ve had a scan to show you what’s wrong. That would seem a sensible next step wouldn’t it? Surely, it would help to have as many answers...

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ACL Journey Guide
ACL Journey Guide

ACL Journey Guide What is the ACL ?. The anterior cruciate ligament is one of the key ligaments that stabilizes the knee joint. It connects the thigh (femur) and shin bone (tibia) running diagonally to the posterior cruciate ligament. It prevents the tibia from...

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The Art of Balancing Life for Wellbeing & Recovery
The Art of Balancing Life for Wellbeing & Recovery

The Art of Balancing Life for Wellbeing and Recovery It is normal for people's activity to eb and flow. You probably notice periods in your activity when you seem to progress and burn through your list of things to do, and other times when nothing ever seems to get...

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Thoughts on Running NHS & Private Services alongside Each Other
Thoughts on Running NHS & Private Services alongside Each Other

20 years of running a physio clinic in Ashbourne. In fact, I find it’s 22 years as my son was 1 when my husband Chris and I bought the clinic from the legendary Pam Philips. When this realisation hit me, it got me thinking about all the changes that have happened over...

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Let’s Get Moving
Let’s Get Moving

Let’s get moving! Are you waiting for a joint operation, perhaps a replacement? Or have you had your operation and what to know how you can get going a bit more? Keeping fit and active in these situations can be a challenge and our physios are on hand to guide you if...

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Getting the right Sleeping Position – Tricks & Tips to help
Getting the right Sleeping Position – Tricks & Tips to help

How Sleep Position can Help Your Health We spend a large amount of our life asleep. Investing in a good mattress and pillow goes a long way to aid a restful night’s sleep. It is generally recommended that a mattress is replaced every 6-8 years. Ideally a mattress...

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Our Top 10 Back Myth Busters!
Our Top 10 Back Myth Busters!

Here at Ashbourne and Hilton Physio Centres we are seeing a large amount of people currently who are struggling with back pain and these painful problems are made all the more worrying while accessing healthcare seems more complicated due to the pandemic. If the pain...

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