Here at Ashbourne Physiotherapy Centre we are pleased to announce that we can now offer our patients a NEW therapy treatment to assist with treating chronic tendon injuries.
Our physiotherapist Anna Simons can assist patients with this innovative form of therapy to enhance patient’s recovery with painful tendon injuries.
Anna Simons – Chartered Physiotherapist MCSP

What can Shockwave Therapy treat?
- Pain at the back of the heel or the tendon
- Pain under the sole of the foot – Plantar Fasciitis
- Pain in the hip area, running down the outer thigh
- Runners knee – Patellofemoral Tendinothpathy
- Gluteal Tendinothpathy – pain in the back of hip
- Bony heel spurs

So, what at exactly is Shockwave Therapy
and how can it help you?
Shockwave therapy is a series of high energy acoustic waves applied to the chronic painful part of the injured soft tissue. It is a mechanical wave NOT an electrical wave.
Shockwave ‘kick starts’ a new inflammatory reaction in the tissues and the body responds by increasing the blood circulation to accelerate the body’s own natural healing process.
Is it Painful? – Everybody’s pain tolerance is different, but on the whole most patients describe it as “uncomfortable” and the majority easily cope with the treatment for a few minutes. Your therapist can tune the machine so you can get used to it.
How long does the treatment last? The actual delivery of 2000-3000 shocks will take 10 minutes, but a treatment session will take longer, as it will also involve stretches, massage and exercises to help re-hab your injury. You will usually need 3-4 sessions a week apart before you feel pain relief. Most patients with more chronic conditions may need 5 sessions. It is worth remembering the effects of Shockwave Therapy continue to improve soft tissue changes weeks after the treatment.

Your Shockwave treatment will be enhanced by appropriate loading exercises
What is the success rate for Shockwave Therapy? National statistics show that approximately 77% of chronic conditions that have been treated with Shockwave treatment improve. So, if rest, ice, pain killers, and stretches have not worked for you, why not try this non-invasive treatment.
How much does it cost? The first treatment including assessment cost is £110 for a 45min session. In this way your therapist can assess if Shockwave is appropriate and you have the opportunity to experience how the treatment will feel. Further treatments cost £65 per session.
Alternatively, a package of 5 treatments including the first assessment with treatment for £350. The package price is paid at the start of treatment.
The cost of this treatment is more than regular physiotherapy, due to the overheads for use of this expensive piece of equipment.
If you would like to discuss Shockwave Therapy or have any questions regarding the suitability for your condition, please ask to speak to Anna Simons on a FRIDAY
Shockwave appointments are available through our Ashbourne Clinic on Fridays with Anna.

Please contact us on: 01335 344952