Here at Ashbourne & Hilton Physiotherapy Centres, we are here to help you “regain your full potential”. Our physio – Charlotte King has a keen interest in foot issues.
Charlotte can help with issues such as gait analysis, manual therapy, electrotherapy, exercise prescription, Orthotics prescribed or advised, gait re-education and footwear advice.
Enjoy the pleasures of life again with healthy feet! Re-assessment of the feet throughout treatment, will enable our patients to return to their favourite activities and passions in life…. Whether hill walking, playing tennis, football or running marathons we are here to help you enjoy your life again!

Common foot problems frequently seen in physio clinics:
Achilles Tendinopathy
Inflammation or wear and tear changes in the tendon in the lower calf above the heel.
Pain in the sole of the foot, often worse in the morning.
Pain in the ball of the foot or base of the toes.
Or ‘Hallux Valgus’ is a condition when the big toe might point towards the other toes and a bony bump appears on the side of the foot.
A flattening or overarching of the foot.
Stress fracture
A small crack or severe bruising of the bone usually caused by overuse or repetitive activities.
Ligament strains/sprains
An overstretch of the supporting structures of the joints during a trip or fall.
Degenerative condition that affects the joint surfaces.
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
A compression of the posterior tibial nerve creating pain along the side of the foot.
Severs Condition
Growth related heel pain, often in active children from primary age to young teens.
Insoles can improve how pressure is distributed across the sole of the foot. If not corrected, there may be toe deformities and loss of function through biomechanical change.
Many foot problems require orthotic solutions and modifications can be made to adjust the support of an insole.
Orthotics should follow the anatomical features of the foot to aid balance and stability. This in turn can provide a base of support for hip and knee function.
Quite often, a lower limb problem can actually be imprpobed from foot posture correction.
Making your feet more comfortable!
Our physiotherapists are able to advise suitable suggestions, such as heel cups, toe spreaders, etc which can be offered to the patient to help with relief from pain, or if preferred, the patient can of course purchase items on line from other suppliers.
Specialist Physio

Charlotte King
Physiotherapist BSc (Hons)