Ear Wax Removal: service at Ashbourne and Hilton Physiotherapy Centres.
Is your hearing being affected by ear wax?
Hearing loss, pain or discomfort in your ears could all be signs of ear wax build-up in the ear canal. Ear wax is relatively innocuous but in some cases, it can negatively impact your hearing and quality of life.
Treating excessive and problematic ear wax is an important part of maintaining healthy ears, optimal hearing, and overall well-being.
If you’re suffering from ear problems, we provide a simple procedure to have your wax removed that could improve your hearing almost immediately.

What happens at my WAX REMOVAL appointment?
Your Hidden Hearing practitioner will safely remove any ear wax that could be causing you problems.
The practitioner will use micro-suction, which involves inserting a low-pressure suction probe inside your ears that acts like a tiny vacuum cleaner. The probe will gently remove excess wax and debris.
Micro-suction is the latest and safest technology for the removal of ear wax. The procedure is effective, painless, and could help you experience improved hearing in a few moments.
After removing your ear wax, your practitioner will carry out a standard hearing assessment. This is a routine check to make sure your hearing is working as it should. If we find anything that we think requires further hearing health assessment, we’ll make an appointment for you to see a Hidden Hearing care expert.
Ready To Book An Appointment?
Clinics are booked directly with Hidden Hearing and take place at Ashbourne and Hilton Physiotherapy.
Prices start from £80, for both ears.
We recommend that you use Earol® for 5 days leading up to your appointment. Earol® is an olive oil-based spray that will help soften your wax, making it easier to remove.
Book your appointment by calling Hidden Hearing on 0800 740 8286. Quote AY2N-6.