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Several of our Therapists are qualified to provide acupuncture as part of your treatment programme (Ruixue, Anna, Gillian, Lorna). Acupuncture is often added to treatments to help with pain relief or to settle muscle spasm. It can be used alongside other modalities such as exercise, joint mobilisation, stretches and soft tissue/massage work. Your therapist will tailor your acupuncture treatment to suit you and your condition. Combining acupuncture with physiotherapy or massage is widely accepted. Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin, sterile, single-use needles into the skin and soft tissues. Acupuncture should not be painful, but patients are often aware of a mild ache, or heavy sensation around the area treated. The needles are sometimes gently stimulated to enhance the effect of the needles.

The intended benefits of acupuncture treatment:

  • Reduction of pain
  • Alleviation of muscle spasm and tension
  • Facilitation of the healing process
  • Induction of local and general relaxation
  • Promotion of general well-being
  • Improvement of sleep pattern

More Info

It is a good idea to have eaten a couple of hours before your acupuncture treatment so that your blood sugar levels are not low. Occasionally people feel drowsy, dizzy or faint after an acupuncture treatment and you may wish to be accompanied for your first appointment so that you won’t need to drive. You are welcome to sit in reception and will be given a drink if you need a few minutes to recover. Many people sleep very well on the night after their first appointment.

Professional Conduct

All therapists using acupuncture are required to train to a recognised standard and several are members of the AACP (Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists). Much of the information given here is taken from AACP literature.
There are some circumstances where the use of acupuncture is contraindicated or would not be advised. Your therapist will assess any patient carefully before discussing acupuncture as an option to include in a treatment plan.
If you require any further information, please phone and ask to speak to one of our acupuncture trained therapists.


Are You A New Patient?

If you have not visited us before and have not experienced physiotherapy before you may be unsure what to expect. We're here to help.

Please give us a call and one of our experienced team will be able to answer any questions or queries you may have.